Malnutrition is a major problem especially among children in developing countries including Benin.
Consumption of nutritious snacks could help to reduce this situation especially among school children. These
children are known to consume an important quantity of snacks such as biscuit, which are in the most of cases
imported. This situation of importing biscuit do not allow creating local jobs for young. To face this challenge, this
business has the mission to produce and market 3000 kg per year of malted-sorghum-soybean biscuit enriched with
baobab fruit pulp to create local jobs while ensuring nutritional security among children. It will allow valorizing the
local food ingredients especially sorghum, soybean and baobab fruit pulp. These ingredients will be purchased from
local population while ensuring a benefit for local people (income generation). The enterprise will be installed at Glo-
Djigbé in Abomey-Calavi (Southern Benin) with a vision to produce 6000 kg per year of biscuit in 2023 and become a
reference in pastry. Abomey-calavi is the second big municipality of Benin where people are known to have an
appreciate purchase power. Different social groups are present in this municipality. A distribution channel will be
installed across the country to ensure the availability and the accessibility of the developed enrich malted sorghum-
soybean biscuit. One BICOF shop will be installed respectively in Northern Benin (Natitingou) and in Central Benin
(Dassa-Zoumè). Public degustation across the country (Natitingou, Abomey-Calavi and Dassa-Zoumè) will be
performed as a promotion strategy of BICOF. During these public degustation events, the consumers’ willingness to
pay the enriched biscuit will be collected (market survey). The enterprise will also provide a service to local
population of Abomey-Calavi. Local population of Abomey-Calavi can grind the cereals (ie maize) they use for the
paste in their household. Finally, property right and local certification procedures for BICOF will be fulfilled.